UNCOMPLICATED Server Solutions

Building modern server and compute infrastructure

Infrastructure Servers Solutions

Business Server Solutions

Once upon a time, buying a server was a relatively straightforward business. You looked at the application you wanted to run and then sized the machine accordingly. One app, one server. Today, there are so many more competing considerations – yes, you still need to evaluate the host app or workload, but then there’s the question of redundancy, virtualisation, and location to consider, and ultimately the need to own it altogether. The questions are the same whether you’re a large enterprise or an ambitious SME.

Infrastructure Servers Solutions

A worry-free server solution

That’s where we step in. We’re all for making things uncomplicated, so we help you navigate all the important considerations to arrive at a worry-free server solution that’s just right for your needs. In a compute-hungry world, servers remain a big part of the infrastructure that powers your business wherever they’re located and whatever you need them to run.

We hold top accreditations with a stable of world-leading server manufacturers. With lots of choice to share, you won’t be given a blinkered view of the market or a solution that’s a square peg in a round hole. No matter what’s important to you – efficiency, performance, scalability, reliability or something that’s just a good all-rounder, we can put forward flexible and innovative solutions from the industry’s most trusted brands.

Infrastructure Servers Solutions

Ready for tomorrow, not just today

While your immediate need is today, the guidance you’ll receive from us always has an eye on tomorrow. Security remains at the forefront of all the options we propose, and we will ensure there is a pathway to grow should you need to. We can also offer suggestions to activate task and process automation, so there’s less fuss when administering your servers.

Whether you’re looking to transform your datacentre server infrastructure, move applications into the cloud, achieve ground-breaking performance, or want something reliable and economical to support your business, we can help.

We’re ready to guide you through not just the tech, but everything else that wraps around it. It’s valuable advice, that feeds into the design, deployment, and support of a successful server solution.

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+(973) 66 3762 88/ +(973) 35 47 17 14

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contact@nsbh.me - tareq@nsbh.me - mehdi@nsbh.me

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Northern Governorate: Karzakkan, 1025, Zaid Bin Umairah 106

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